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How can I display some elments of a sub-block as a list-item wqith different style and others as sim...

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By: Hedwig
Date: 2013-04-10
Time: 15:05

How can I display some elments of a sub-block as a list-item wqith different style and others as simple paragraph?


How can I display some elments of a sub-block as a list-item with style 'List 1' or 'List 2' and others as simple paragraph?

Here is my template:
[arbeitgeber;block=begin;sub1=projekte;][arbeitgeber.von] - [arbeitgeber.bis] [;magnet=text:span], [arbeitgeber.ort;magnet=text:span;]

That is how the objects look like:
array(8) {
  ["name"]=> "Unternehmen"
  ["ort"]=> "Berlin"
  ["beruf"]=> "Beruf"
  ["abteilungs_gruppe"]=>  ""
  ["ueberlasser"]=> ""
  ["von"]=> "2011"
  ["bis"]=> "2012"
  array(2) {
    array(4) {
      string(8) "Standard"
      string(1) "0"
      string(35) "Flashen und Vorbereiten der Targets"
    array(4) {
      string(8) "ListenElement"
      string(1) "0"
      string(30) "Testen der Navigationssoftware"

Anyone with an idea?

Thanks in advance, Hedwig
By: Skrol29
Date: 2013-04-11
Time: 00:22

Re: How can I display some elments of a sub-block as a list-item wqith different style and others as simple paragraph?

> How can I display some elments of a sub-block as a list-item with style 'List 1' or 'List 2' and others as simple paragraph?

Why don't you simply use a format that display an item like a paragraph?
Then you can display all sub-record as items of a list.