By: TomH
Date: 2013-03-07
Time: 06:17
count after ondata deleting $CurrRec
I have an ondata function that sets the CurrRec = "" based on a calculation
Then I can use magnet to stop that record from displaying in the results block listing
But I need a count of the new number of rows remaining after some of the CurrRec rows are set to ""
Any ideas - I'm not seeing a way to do that
FYI, the ondata function being used...
function miles_calc_within($BlockName,&$CurrRec,$RecNum) {
global $Db, $herelat, $herelon, $site_zip, $within;
// test $CurrRec['miles'] = 123.4;
$site_zip!="" ? $CurrRec['miles'] = sprintf("%.1f", calcDist($herelat, $herelon, $CurrRec['lat'], $CurrRec['lon']) ) : $CurrRec['miles'] =="";
// can we kill this record altogether
if($CurrRec['miles'] > $within){
$CurrRec = "";
By: Sarah
Date: 2013-03-07
Time: 19:42
Re: count after ondata deleting $CurrRec
Can't you just add a counter variable? (This is not the best way but it will certainly work).
$numRecords = 0;
function miles_calc_within($BlockName,&$CurrRec,$RecNum) {
global $Db, $herelat, $herelon, $site_zip, $within, $numRecords;
// test $CurrRec['miles'] = 123.4;
$site_zip!="" ? $CurrRec['miles'] = sprintf("%.1f", calcDist($herelat, $herelon, $CurrRec['lat'], $CurrRec['lon']) ) : $CurrRec['miles'] =="";
// can we kill this record altogether
if($CurrRec['miles'] > $within){
$CurrRec = "";
$numRecords += 1;
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