Quick question that I didn't find an answer to in the documentation and Google searches. If I do something like this w/ GetRow:
$data = $Db->GetRow("
Key = %1%", $Key);
in TBS (not using any template here, just focusing on your GetRow function), when I examine the array that ends up in $data, I see that the value side of all of the key/value pairs appears to always be a string, even when the column in the database is an integer.
E.g., the result w/ json_encode might be:
{"VarCol":"string value","IntCol":"123"} |
Is there any way to alter this and make TBS define the value as an integer or decimal if that's what it actually is in the database? It seems to me that would be useful, when, e.g., using PHP's json_encode on $data to provide an AJAX call in my web application a result from a database query. It would be nice if my AJAX data parsing code does not have to manually parse each number value as a number.
What I'd like to see instead, in this case is:
{"VarCol":"string value","IntCol": 123} |
What do you think? Am I missing something, or do you think this could be implemented with the access PHP gives you to the database connections?