Hi Skrol, long time with out need some help, but i cant find the way to do that.
I have a table with (head) invoices, and another with (detail) invoices.
The idea is use the headergrp with id_header and then the id_detaill of each invoices in one table.
But i wish to have a table with one row for the "head" and when press "+" appear the hidden row with the detail.
This is the idea :
The table are like this:
<th>Invoice Nro.</th>
<td><a href="onclick=$('tr1').toogle();'>+</a></td>
<tr id="tr1" style="display:none">
<td colspan="3">
<th>Product Name</th>
I try to put in
[blk1.book_name;block=tr;headergrp=id_detail] |
The code for "header" work well, the problem is when press "+" just show me one row.
I hope you understand the idea.
Thanks like ever for your help,