By: shashi
Date: 2011-10-09
Time: 01:36
changing connection to another db
I already have a db connection
$mydb01 = new clsTbsSql($srv=$dbhost, $uid=$dbuser, $pwd=$dbpass, $db=$dbname, $drv='');
if I do mydb02 = new clsTbsSql($srv=$dbhost02, $uid=$dbuser02, $pwd=$dbpass02, $db=$dbname02, $drv='');
it does not work.
how to open multiple db conections from the same script, so that we can go back and forth
$db01 = newTbsSQL
$db02 = newTbsSQL
By: suneel kumar
Date: 2011-10-13
Time: 15:02
Re: changing connection to another db
Hi Shashi,
Me too facing the same problem could you please post the solution so that it will be helpful to me.
Suneel Kumar