By: Phoenix
Date: 2011-03-20
Time: 21:55
Is this possible
Perhaps this is not the plugin that I should be using since I know nothing about php coding and I don't have the skill level to know how to use it but I am hoping that someone will be kind enough to help because I believe TBS will do what I am looking to do.
A few weeks ago I knew nothing about building websites, any type of coding or even where to start learning about any of this and have since managed to research and learn enough to build a Joomla site. While I now know the difference beween php, html, css, different cms's etc, I still have not had time to learn a new language so I'm hoping someone can tell me how to accomplish this. I have been completely dependent in other words on parameter settings for different modules, extensions, and plugins (with a few .css additions) and I realize that to use TBS I really need more knowledge than I currently have.
What I would like to do is create a link which leads to one of two articles as follows.
If a user is logged in and meets a condition as defined in a field in a Kunena forum table (that they have at least one post in my Kunena forum) ... they would see an article with their real name and user name in a certain position in the article. This would then be downloaded.
If a user does not meet these conditions, they would see a different article explaining what they need to do to see the "registered member with at least one post article".
I believe that I need to use a "mergeblock" however I don't have enough knowledge to understand the coding examples on the site. I have installed the Joomla plugin on my site.
It would need to use logic something like ..... If user is logged in and If the posts field in the jos_kunena_users table is greater than 0, then show first article. Otherwise show second article.
I realize that I should be taking the time to learn php however I am hoping that I can create this page without having to first learn a new language which would take more time than I currently have to be able to do this in time.
I appreciate any help anyone is able to provide with this ... and I understand if this is not an appropriate request.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2011-03-22
Time: 21:29
Re: Is this possible
Hi Phoenix,
Your problem seems to about getting PHP, MySQL and Joomla in your hands.
I guess it is not hard to found the solution but, as you should know, it would be in fact taking time to make you understand those tools and this is something not so simple as it seems.
By: Phoenix
Date: 2011-03-22
Time: 22:22
Re: Is this possible
Yes ... nothing is simple lol ... but one can learn a lot with 20 hour days over the course of a few weeks.
Joomla is no problem as the site is built enough to launch. Have also worked enough with myphpadmin to be able to export all my K2 articles (wasn't compatible with some extensions I wanted to use) and import them into Joomla (using Jix). Have also managed to combine 2 .css templates into one so I could have features from both. I'm mentioning these only to indicate that I'm no longer completely clueless.
The only "urgent" thing left is to be able to do what I outlined above. I am able to show a logged in user on a custom page but I don't know enough to know how to create a conditional query for mySQL for the number of posts as I outlined. I know the fields and table I need to query ... just not the "language" in between <?php and ?> to be able to do it. That's why I was hoping someone could share a simple script that would do this. I could almost certainly figure it out myself over the course of a few weeks since I realize that mysql and php (among others) is important to know if you really want to accomplish the most that is possible on a website. This script however (should someone be kind enough to provide it) would let me learn it at a "less urgent" pace as the project I am working on has some "urgency" behind it. I understand "how" the tools work ... and the "logic" behind their structure (I am a researcher in my background so logic and flow come easily to me), just haven't had the chance to learn the specific language as yet.
Thank you again for any help you can provide