By: JB
Date: 2011-03-07
Time: 22:34
joomla 1.6 - Access denied for user ''@'localhost'
I´m trying to reproduce external script example Type #2 in joomla 1.6.
In my article i put:
{tbs}script=cuentas.php; {/tbs}
Name Email
[;block=tr] []
and generate the script cuentas.php:
$key = JFactory::getUser();
$key = $key-> get('id');
$TBS->MergeBlock('u','mysql','SELECT name, email FROM jos_users WHERE id='.$key);
But when i access the article i got the error message:
"TinyButStrong Error when merging block [u]: MySql error message when opening the query: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)"
How may i correct the error ??
Someone may help me....
Thanks in advance
By: Skrol29
Date: 2011-03-08
Time: 00:10
Re: joomla 1.6 - Access denied for user ''@'localhost'
Hi JB,
Try by replacing 'mysql' with 'mysqli'.
By: JB
Date: 2011-03-08
Time: 01:10
Re: joomla 1.6 - Access denied for user ''@'localhost'
Thank you Skrol29. It didnt work. It produces the following error messge:
TinyButStrong functions for MySQLi: . SQL Source : {SELECT name, email FROM jos_users WHERE id=43}
TinyButStrong Error when merging block [u]: function tbsdb_mysqli_open() has failed to open query {SELECT name, email FROM jos_users WHERE id=43}
But I remembered that in the set up (Global Configuration, server, Databasetype) I changed MySQL by MySQLi. I Reverse the chage (to MySQL) ánd all it is working fine.
Thanks again.
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