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add image in odt

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By: ojalà
Date: 2010-09-29
Time: 17:13

add image in odt

I'm using version  0.7.9 and I need add an image in my odt.
I memorize in a variable image path: $path=upload/image.jpg
How can include in my odt?
this sintax:
is not correct
By: Skrol29
Date: 2010-09-29
Time: 23:22

Re: add image in odt


0.7.9 is the version of what ?

Since OpenTBS version 1.3, you can change the picture in a ODT file using parameter ope=addpic, like this:
This field must be placed after the existing picture.
You can't create a new picture control in your template using OpenTBS yet, you can only change the picture of an existing picture control.

For the moment, parameter "att" is required for having the picture changed. But I'm currently working on a new parameter "ope=changepic" which will more simple because you won't need parameter "att" anymore.