By: Sergey
Date: 2004-03-29
Time: 16:02
You've made a great engine. Thanks guys for your work. It's really great.
But i have some problems. How can i see russian text in html, i only see numbers instead of text.
include_once ("lib/class/tbs_class.php");
$title = "Çàãîëîâîê";
$keywords = "ñïèñîê ñëîâ";
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong;
$TBS -> LoadTemplate("template/classic/index.htm","windows-1251");
$TBS -> Show();
and this is after merge in viewing source code.
<title>Корпорация "БЛИЦ"</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="список слов">
Sorry for my english, and thaks for reply in advance.
By: RwD
Date: 2004-03-29
Time: 16:31
Re: Charset
Actually, that is the way it is stored in the database :S
I asked about this too, see thread "Change idea for the htmlconv"
It also gives a solution that worked for me, but I am affraid that you need a slightly different and a bit more complicated solution?
But for jsut displaying the page correctly my solution will probably work... (Just convert the function into 1 statement rewriting the value of $TBS->Source)
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-03-29
Time: 17:02
Re: Charset
You have to define the charset in the Html page too.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
By: Sergey
Date: 2004-03-29
Time: 20:03
Re: Charset
Thanks a lot. I solve the problem :)
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