By: handoko
Date: 2010-06-27
Time: 02:28
select option html tag
Dear Skrol, and team,
i have a problem when using field into option select html tag with selected parameter.
What i want is when the page first load, it should display the option select number by default, i have made my code like the below but it doesn't work.
this is the code;
$catlist[0] = array('catid'=>"3", 'catname'=>"baju hamil");
$catlist[1] = array('catid'=>"2", 'catname'=>"baju hamil lengan panjang");
$catlist[3] = array('catid'=>"5", 'catname'=>"baju hamil lengan pendek");
$main = new clsTinyButStrong;
while the option.html contain code:
<form name="form1" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return cekmandatory()">
<TABLE cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="Tbl0" width="100%">
<td class="B01">Kategori</td>
<td class="BS">:</td>
<select name="catid">
<option value="[cat.catid;block=option;noerr]" [cat.catid;if [val]="2";then ' selected';else '';noerr] >[cat.catname;noerr] </option>
hope you can find the solution. thanks
By: Skrol29
Date: 2010-06-27
Time: 22:17
Re: select option html tag
Hi Handoko,
The HTML plug-in which is provided with the TBS package does perform select for form elements. There are also examples on line.
Otherwise, I can see 2 problems with your code. It should be working when fixed. First you should not write "2" but '2', because double quote is not s string delimiter for TBS. And after, you should code (selected="selected") instead of (selected).
<option value="[cat.catid;block=option;noerr]" [cat.catid;if [val]=2;then 'selected="selected"';else '';noerr] >[cat.catname;noerr] </option>
By: handoko
Date: 2010-07-02
Time: 15:54
Re: select option html tag
Hi skrol,
Thanks for the reply,
how ever i found that the cause is come from the array itself,
the array item doesnot have the same content, for example
array b[1] = {catid=>"1", catname=>"satu", catparent=>NULL}
array b[2] = {catid=>"1", catname=>"satu"}
this is the source of the problem why my code previous doen't consistent in doing a assesment.
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