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Change idea for the htmlconv

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By: RwD
Date: 2004-03-20
Time: 12:25

Change idea for the htmlconv

htmlconv is not really flexible I must say :(
for example with slavic languages MySQL saves entity names for some reason the character č (c with caron) becomes č (Perhaps even in my example)

But there is no html conv settings that preserves entities!!

Perhaps in the next version you can offer something like:
[ex.test;htmconv=safe_tags entities wsp;.] making < into &lt;, entities and white spaces are preserved

Sounds like an idea?

The same thing is done in for example css classes where you can define multiple classes when you seperate them with spaces
By: RwD
Date: 2004-03-20
Time: 12:49

Re: Change idea for the htmlconv

haha, as I predicted, the c with caron was indeed transformed :P

btw, I use this solution at the moment:
function HTMLConv
(    $FieldName
,    &$Value )
    global $tbs_CurrRec;
    $Value     = eregi_replace
               (    "<"
               ,    "&lt;"
              ,    $tbs_CurrRec['msg_body'] );
    $Value = nl2br($Value);


You can use that for the forum as well ;)
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-03-21
Time: 22:22

Re: Change idea for the htmlconv

Hi RwD,

Isn't that a problem of Html CharSet ?
TBS 1.9x supports foreign charsets (if supported by PHP Htmlentities() function).
I alos don't understand why you save a kind of Html conversion into MySQL.

The forum supports c with caron. Proof : ç
By: RwD
Date: 2004-03-21
Time: 22:56

Re: Change idea for the htmlconv

ç is a c with cedilla...

c with caron is a letter from the slavic languages alphabet, so to say a c with an upside-down circumflex

anyway, I think I use your exact forum code.

and that character just doesn't work.

So perhaps I was wrong and Htmlentities is just putting in the &#269;
but then when I want my code to be safe I need to set htmlconv to yes. Otherwise people can add html to their postings!

But when I do that the &#269; entity gets changed into literal text instead of the character!!

So perhaps it is not a bad idea to be able to control in a more detailed way what htmlconv does...

What do you think of the idea I explained?