By: Rromulo
Date: 2010-01-08
Time: 12:30
help with the translation system of the site
Skrol29 previously exchanged emails and now I write here in the forum to ask just to help me with the site
I perform the translation of the site for the Portuguese of Brazil but must now pass me or the site is via email or ftp so I can put it in the air here in Brazil or tell me another way to have it in Portuguese. I have a team of 4 programmers who use the tbs on a daily basis and we do it better.
Even we are publishing it in the Wikipedia in Portuguese.
Waiting in the wings and some of your help, thank you, Rromulo.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2010-01-11
Time: 00:12
Re: help with the translation system of the site
Hi Rromulo,
What kind of help do you need ?
What can I do ?
By: Rromulo
Date: 2010-01-11
Time: 14:06
Re: help with the translation system of the site
Just need to know how can I put the translations in Portuguese in the air. In fact I would have the site in TBS in Portuguese. I already have all the translations!!
Posting in progress.
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