By: tmrsk
Date: 2009-10-06
Time: 01:16
include a link page in tpl?Hi, I'm newbe,
I use a script written TBS. I write a php file for show rondom users. It can show at I want to show it in tpl_index.htm as a modul or as a iframe. How can I do that? thanx... |
By: Skrol29
Date: 2009-10-06
Time: 17:55
Re: include a link page in tpl?Hello,
As an iframe, it is just like calling a separate page. As a module, you can use TBS subtemplate. See examples and parameter "subtpl" in the manual. |
By: tmrsk
Date: 2009-10-07
Time: 01:38
Re: include a link page in tpl?Perfect.. It works.. Thanks..