By: Jorge
Date: 2004-03-10
Time: 12:56
conditionnal display: How to?
Just looking for the right way to do it:
Would like on my PHP page to,
make a SQL query,
then following the answer of the query (typicaly if I have a result or if no result)
make a few more SQL queries
THEN on Template:
Display block only if query returns a result
Display another block if SQL query doesn't return anything (nodata fonction )
before going wrong, would like to know why way is better to go:
1/ conditionnal display (if ..then..else)
2/ Dynamic query / sub blocks
3/ external script
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-03-11
Time: 13:33
Re: conditionnal display: How to?
If you can do it with sub-blocks, this is the best.
Otherwise, I'll try with conditional blocks.
And for more complex mecanism, I somethime use GetBlockSource() + MergeBlock() just linke in the example named "Programmed Loops".