By: Yves
Date: 2009-06-12
Time: 08:35
Link in list
I ve done a script with the "Affichage par page" exemple all is ok now
But il should like to put a link on each line to follow the record,
I ve tried with magnet without success
Has somebody a solution
By: Skrol29
Date: 2009-06-12
Time: 17:09
Re: Link in list
I don't understant what you are trying to do.
Can you give more details?
By: Yves
Date: 2009-06-15
Time: 13:06
Re: Link in list
Thanks for you answer
I ve done a select in a table.
I ve put the records in data Array.
I ve done something like the exemple "Plug-in: Display by page".
So i ve a array on my screen with all my data values
All is ok
I should like to add a column whit a link whic wil show the detail of the record with a php script .
It's seems to be possible mith magnet, but i've not success
By: Skrol29
Date: 2009-06-15
Time: 16:17
Re: Link in list
Why do you need magnet for this?
Just add a column, and a link with a TBS field for the id.
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