By: Mark
Date: 2008-12-30
Time: 02:14
Forms in Joomla articles
I installed TBS and set up a query inside a Joomla article. I used the Joomla documentation page on the TBS web site. It works great.
I now want to set up a form and am having trouble since forms are not covered in the Joomla page. Basically, I just want to have an article with an input text field and a button. When the button is pressed the contents of the input field are used in the WHERE clause of an SQL SELECT the results of which I want to display in the page. For example, I have a table with a list of club members (name, address, etc.) that I want to be able to search where a user could enter a name in the text field, press the Search button, and see of list of all matching rows.
Could someone direct me to a Joomla-specific code sample that does something similar to that?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2009-01-02
Time: 00:12
Re: Forms in Joomla articles
Hi Mark,
Happy new year :)
By default, TinyMCE (the Wysiwyg HTM editor for Joomla) cleans up all forms tags. You can change this behavior in the Administrator side of your Joomla site.
Go to menu "Extensions/Plugin Manager"
choose "Editor - TinyMCE 2.0"
Change parameter "Code cleanup on save" to "Never" or "Front only".