By: ant
Date: 2004-02-22
Time: 20:13
bug or?
Warning: strpos(): Offset not contained in string. in d:\www-dev\turists\inc\tbs_class.php on line 239
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-02-23
Time: 09:57
Re: bug or?
Thts's the line where TBS search for a TBS tag. But I need more details to understand why this warnig happens.
Could you send me a piece of code+template to reproduce this warning?
By: ant
Date: 2004-02-24
Time: 20:40
Re: bug or?
hello again.
Error happens only when i use nv bar and there is only one page in results.
i using php and html code from your examples.
By: ant
Date: 2004-02-24
Time: 20:46
Re: bug or?
and when i remove html piece with nav bar (but php stay), then there no error.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-02-25
Time: 11:04
Re: bug or?
I can't reproduce your bug with the example :(
By: bunak
Date: 2004-06-01
Time: 12:41
Re: bug or?
I found the same problem in version 1.96. When you click on last page (number or >| ) You get this message
"Warning: strpos(): Offset not contained in string. in c:\apache\htdocs\indesign\tbs\tbs_class.php on line 268
" but You get correct data.
By: RwD
Date: 2004-06-01
Time: 16:18
Re: bug or?
Can you show the template, the PHP code and an extract of the database??
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-06-02
Time: 02:38
Re: bug or?
I maybe know what is the bug.
But I'm not sure because I've never be able to reproduce it.
Those who have this bug: could you please test/replace the fallowing function and see if it fixes the bug?
function tbs_Locator_FindTbs(&$Txt,$Name,$Pos,$AcceptSub) {
$PosEnd = False ;
$PosMax = strlen($Txt) -1;
do {
//Search for the opening char
if ($Pos>$PosMax) return False;
$PosOpen = strpos($Txt,$GLOBALS['tbs_ChrOpen'],$Pos) ;
//If found => the next char are analyzed
if ($PosOpen===False) {
return False;
} else {
$Pos = $PosOpen + 1;
//Look if what is next the begin char is the name of the locator
if (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$PosOpen+1,strlen($Name)),$Name)===0) {
$Loc = new clsTbsLocator ;
//Then we check if what is next the name of the merge is an expected char
$ReadPrm = False ;
$PosX = $PosOpen + 1 + strlen($Name) ;
$x = $Txt[$PosX] ;
if ($x===$GLOBALS['tbs_ChrClose']) {
$PosEnd = $PosX ;
} elseif ($AcceptSub and ($x==='.')) {
$Loc->SubName = '' ; //it is no longer the false value
$ReadPrm = True ;
$PosX++ ;
} elseif (strpos(';',$x)!==False) {
$ReadPrm = True ;
$PosX++ ;
if ($ReadPrm) {
//Read the Parameters
tbs_Locator_ReadPrm($Txt,$PosX,';','= ','\'','([{',')]}',$GLOBALS['tbs_ChrClose'],0,$Loc,$PosEnd) ;
if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['comm'])) { //Enlarge the limits to the comentary bounds.
tbs_Locator_EnlargeToStr($Txt, $PosOpen, $PosEnd, '<!--' ,'-->') ;
} while ($PosEnd===False) ;
$Loc->PosBeg = $PosOpen ;
$Loc->PosEnd = $PosEnd ;
if ($Loc->SubName===False) {
$Loc->FullName = $Name ;
} else {
$Loc->FullName = $Name.'.'.$Loc->SubName ;
return $Loc ;
By: bunak
Date: 2004-06-02
Time: 14:49
Re: bug or?
It WORKS! Many thanks Skrol29. I solve this problem yesterday late night similary like You, but I still haven't time to describe it. But Your solution is better. Once again thanks
By: bunak
Date: 2004-06-02
Time: 14:51
Re: bug or?
it happened when offset in strpos() is set on position after Txt lenght
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