By: bunak
Date: 2008-11-28
Time: 15:03
How can I get names of var fields from template
i.e. I have template
and in PHP I need to get array with names header, body1, body2
Is it possidble to do it with TBS?
ths for answer
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-11-28
Time: 23:26
Re: How can I get names of var fields from template
Is that what you need ?
By: bunak
Date: 2008-11-29
Time: 17:00
Re: How can I get names of var fields from template
Thanks for answer but it is not what i need.
i.e. I have template see above
and in PHP program i read it by function LoadTemplate and now I need know which vars are in this template. It means, exist there in TBS any function which give me list of vars used in template. Or public array with list. Or something what is used by method Show to identify which variables must be merged.
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