By: Assaf
Date: 2008-11-14
Time: 10:30
probably simple question...
I have a $var1 in my php file, a <select> combobox inside a form in my template html file.
I would like to post from the html file the "selectedIndex" of the combobox.
If I use the regular $_POST['...'], I get the value (text) of the selection, although I need the index...
I think it shouldn't be too difficult for you gurus out there...
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-11-14
Time: 11:59
Re: probably simple question...
This is not about TBS. A form can only pass the value of a selected item in a combobox. If you need the index, and if this index must be diffrent from the value, then you have to het it using Javascript and save it into a hidden HTML field.
By: TomH
Date: 2008-11-14
Time: 16:04
Re: probably simple question...
It's easier for everyone to undestand you and to help if you post your PHP and HTML template code ;)
This example
$show = print_r($_POST, true);
Show Post $show
<form action="" method="POST">
<select name="select1">
<option value="1" label="list">AAA</option><br>
<option value="2" label="list">BBB</option><br>
<option value="3" label="list">CCC</option><br>
<input type="submit" />
is executed in TBS like this
<select name="select1">
<option value="[blk.key;block=option]" label="list">[bl;k.text]</option>
</select> |
By: TomH
Date: 2008-11-14
Time: 16:07
Re: probably simple question...
Sorry for the typo...
Should be
<select name="select1">
<option value="[blk.key;block=option]" label="list">[blk.text]</option>
</select> |
By: Assaf
Date: 2008-11-15
Time: 00:33
Re: probably simple question...
Thanks for your help guys,
I'll try to be clearer:
I have a <select> in my html. I can do, for example :
in it's attribute, and see the selected index.
my question was, how do I set variable (defined in the php file) to hold this data ?
something like
<code>[var.theIndex] = <script>document.getObjectByID('selID').selectedIndex</script></code>
By: kle_py
Date: 2008-11-17
Time: 02:14
Re: probably simple question...
The problem is not really clear to me,
but maybe You mean something like:
<select name="select1" onchange="alert(document.getObjectByID('[var.variablename]').selectedIndex)">
<option value="[blk.key;block=option]" label="list">[blk.text]</option>
or simply something like:
<select name="[var.selectname]" onchange="alert(selectedIndex)">
I hope my comment helps a little
By: Assaf
Date: 2008-11-17
Time: 02:19
Re: probably simple question...
alright, this far I managed to go...
but I don't want to use ALERT - I want to get this value injected into one of my vars on the php page
By: ege
Date: 2008-11-18
Time: 01:29
Re: probably simple question...
You simply can't get it's value injected into a php variable unless you comunicate with the server. The html file is on the client's browser, that's why alert, as a javascript command, works. If you need to onchange event to do something on server side without posting the form, you have to write js to request a page from the server either by using location.href="..." or through some ajax communication.
As a side note, if you are not using a customized function that extends document object or a javascript library that does that, document.getObjectById will not work on most (if any) browsers. The correct code should be alert(document.getElementById('selId').value), or as an inline js simply onchange='alert(this.value)'.
By: Assaf
Date: 2008-11-18
Time: 01:55
Re: probably simple question...
that's the logic I was aiming...
cheers, mate
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