By: ege
Date: 2008-10-20
Time: 14:55
My template is as follows:
Now, when the outLink property of $rightArticles array is a relatively simple url like block merges as intended. However, with some urls, like tbs treats as if [val]='' and executes the ?makale=[] part of the condition, which is certainly wrong. I'm using version 3.3.0b12. Any thoughts on that? Thanks. ege |
By: Rudy
Date: 2008-10-20
Time: 20:26
Re: bug?Hi,
I had once some troubles with special chars like the ampersand in variable values, when using if then-constructs without quoting the strings. I'd try the following:
hth |
By: ege
Date: 2008-10-23
Time: 17:50
Re: bug?Hi,
Thank you very much for your input. Unfortunately, it didn't solve the problem :(. I'm still looking, and any ideas would be appreciated. |
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-10-24
Time: 09:54
Re: bug?Hi Ege,
If your value can have a symbol that can be an operation (=, ==, !=, =+, ...) then you should protect the value.