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headergrp + block=option

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By: Michaelsen
Date: 2008-06-11
Time: 14:18

headergrp + block=option

Hello there,

The following should be easy, but I believe I'm missing the point completely.

I have the following two tables on my database:





The php+mysql side:

$tbsquery = "SELECT * FROM fields_values
JOIN fields ON fields.field_id = fields_values.field_id
ORDER BY fields.field_id ASC";


The tbs side:

          <td><!--[fieldsSel.field_title;block=tr;headergrp=field_id;comm] --></td>
          <td><select name="select">
            <option value="[fieldsSel.row_id;block=option]"> [fieldsSel.field_name]</option>

The result is everything comes fine except only one value listed for the option tag for each headergrp, it is not looping and I'm not sure why.

I appreciate any help!


- Michaelsen
By: Michaelsen
Date: 2008-06-11
Time: 16:31

Re: headergrp + block=option

I'm using TBS 2.05.3 for PHP4
By: Michaelsen
Date: 2008-06-11
Time: 16:54

Re: headergrp + block=option

Hello again,

I noticed I can achieve what I want with sub-blocks, but I thought with JOIN and headergrp would be more pratical.


- Michaelsen
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-06-13
Time: 00:15

Re: headergrp + block=option

Hi Michaelsen,

If you replace "headergrp" with "parentgrp" it should work better.

The point is that sections of the same block cannot be encapsulated. A "parentgrp" section is the exception.
By: Michaelsen
Date: 2008-06-13
Time: 17:08

Re: headergrp + block=option

Mr. Skrol29, thank you for the reply.

If I replace headergrp by parentgrp for some reason it will hang and break the 30s execution time for php.

If I replace the below code:

<td><!--[fieldsSel.field_title;block=tr;headergrp=field_id;comm] --></td>

With the following code:

<td><!--[fieldsSel;block=tr;parentgrp=field_id;comm] <!--[fieldsSel.field_title;comm]--></td>

Then it will work fine.

Please keep up the excellent work with TBS!