global $session,$web_tpl,$sid_username;
$TPL_site = new clsTinyButStrong;
$codep2 = new phpsecureurl;
$TPL_site->Render = TBS_OUTPUT;
global $sid_username,$db_server;
if ($_POST['mysql'] == "checked") $mysql2 = "$sid_username";
if ($_POST['html'] == "checked") $html2 = "$sid_username";
if ($_POST['files'] == "checked") $files2 = "$sid_username";
$db_server->query("INSERT INTO backup VALUES ('$html2','$files2','$mysql2')");
$meldung = meldung1(ltext("alfr2_error7"));
I will run this 2 scripts...
Without TBS run this scripts perfect....
With TBS i have now a problem. backup_tools.php and TPL is a form.
Result of tools_backup work in tools_backup2.php and on the end from this script i will return too tools_backup.php
tools_backup.php -> tools_backup2.php
and return too tools_backup.php
When i return to tools_backup.php then i have no html to display.
the first run is ok...
can anyone help me?
sorry for my bad english...