By: mgb
Date: 2007-10-22
Time: 12:33
Reusable template block
Lets say I have this template in a separate file
<tr><td><a href="/?id=[;block=tr]"[tablemenu.title]</td></tr>
I would like to use this multiple times in one template like so
lots of content here
The result should be a page with two different menu's. build on the same template.
So that I in my php could do something like this
is there a way to implement this in tbs?
By: TomH
Date: 2007-10-22
Time: 14:52
Re: Reusable template block
What happened when you tried that? I mean, what about it didn't work?
By: mgb
Date: 2007-10-22
Time: 15:11
Re: Reusable template block
lets say my php file looked like this
$menu0[] = array('id' => 1,'title'=>'tester1');
$menu0[] = array('id' => 2,'title'=>'tester2');
$menu0[] = array('id' => 3,'title'=>'tester3');
$menu0[] = array('id' => 4,'title'=>'tester4');
$menu1[] = array('id' => 10,'title'=>'tester10');
$menu1[] = array('id' => 20,'title'=>'tester20');
$menu1[] = array('id' => 30,'title'=>'tester30');
$menu1[] = array('id' => 40,'title'=>'tester40');
then I would like the result to be
<tr><td><a href="/?id=1">tester1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=2">tester2</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=3">tester3</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=4">tester4</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=10">tester10</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=20">tester20</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=30">tester30</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=40">tester40</a></td></tr>
But I only get the first occurance of the block
<tr><td><a href="/?id=1">tester1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=2">tester2</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/?id=3">tester3</a></td></tr>
By: TomH
Date: 2007-10-22
Time: 22:30
Re: Reusable template block
I see says the blind man...
Okay -- if using two different arrays, each for a different menu...
The problem seems (to me) to be the MergeBlock() statements -- they BOTH are using the same block name! NOt going to work that way...
Try something like
$__tbs->MergeBlock('tablemenu1',$menu1); |
And that assumes your template is something like (not tested)...
<td>a href="/?[;block=tr;noerr;]=1"> [tagmenu0.title;block=tr;noerr;.] </a> </td>
lots of content here
<td>a href="/?[;block=tr;noerr;]=1"> [tagmenu1.title;block=tr;noerr;.] </a> </td>
lots of content here
Hope that helps,
By: TomH
Date: 2007-10-22
Time: 22:33
Re: Reusable template block
Ooops, f course my cut and paste is fubar'ed
I should have indicated (in the template) that the blockname is "tablemenuX" not "tagmenuX"
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-10-23
Time: 00:11
Re: Reusable template block
The block will always have the same block name if they both come from the same subtemplate.
You can drive the merge like this:
lots of content here
$__tbs->MergeField('menu0',''); // subtemplate is inserted once
$__tbs->MergeField('menu1',''); // subtemplate is inserted once more
By: mgb
Date: 2007-10-23
Time: 08:30
Re: Reusable template block
Ah, great.
Thanks to both of you.
Skrol29's solution was just what I was looking for as the blocks will be occurring a variable amount of times and different places in my template.
I think I better dive deeper into the documentation as the possibilities of tbs seems endless :)
Once again, great work!
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