By: sikkle
Date: 2007-06-22
Time: 19:49
Multi-Language website (Traduction in a file)
My language are classed like :
Directory language/fr/language.php
$FremLanguageArray = array(
'HELLO' => 'Bonjour',
'BYE' => 'Aurevoir',
So the language are instanciate at beggining of my application, so TBS don't have to choose a language files, the good array is loaded before.
This is my code :
$TBS =& new clsTinyButStrong ;
$TBS->LoadTemplate(FREM_MEP.'yeahsir.html') ;
$message = 'HELLO';
$TBS->Show() ;
What will be the command to load this and use this with TBS ?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-06-22
Time: 22:08
Re: Multi-Language website (Traduction in a file)
You can do [var.FremLanguageArray.HELLO] but this is a bit heavy to write.
The other way is to do:
HTML: [lang.HELLO]
$TBS->MergeField('lang',$FremLanguageArray) ;
PS: I delete you double post in the french forum.
By: sikkle
Date: 2007-06-23
Time: 01:26
Re: Multi-Language website (Traduction in a file)
So mergefield will do the same job.
i can do that without any problem each page i load, just mergefield and there you go this is it ? :)
Ok perfect, sorry for the double post.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-06-23
Time: 03:34
Re: Multi-Language website (Traduction in a file)
Yes, that's it :)
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