By: Olifants
Date: 2007-06-14
Time: 14:00
Still not able to create the syntax for (...ope=html;select)
I tried a lot, but I didn't find the correct syntax to create 3 (or more)
How do I have to manage the thing with the 'selectedItem'? (See at the '?')
$formItems = array(array('itemLabel' => 'Label 1', 'itemId' => 'ListA', 'itemValue' => $_GET['listAEntry']),
array('itemLabel' => 'Label 2', 'itemId' => 'ListB', 'itemValue' => $_GET['listBEntry'])
array('itemLabel' => 'Label 3', 'itemId' => 'ListC', 'itemValue' => $_GET['listCEntry'])
for ($i = 0; $i < count($formItems); $i++) {
$itemArea[$i] = array('itemLabel' => $itemLabel, 'itemId' => $itemId);
while ($row = $setupForm->dbQueryResult()) {
foreach ($row as $tableKey => $tableValue) {
if ($itemValue == $tableValue) $selectedItem = $tableValue;
$itemArea[$i]['item'][] = array('itemValue' => $tableValue);
$Nbr = $tmpl->MergeBlock('showItemLabel','array','itemArea') ;
if ($Nbr > 0) $tmpl->MergeBlock('showItem','array','itemArea[%p1%][item]');
<select name="[showItemLabel.itemId]" class="normal">
? <option>[showItem.selectedItem;ope=html;select)</option>
Thanks for help
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-06-16
Time: 00:30
Re: Still not able to create the syntax for (...ope=html;select)
I think the correct template is something like this:
<select name="[showItemLabel.itemId]" class="normal">
<option> [showItem.itemValue;block=option;p1=[showItemLabel.$]] </option>
<option> [var.itemArea.[showItemLabel.$].selectedItem;ope=html;select] </option>
This is because option items are not yet merged when you are merging the block "showItemLabel".
If you use a [var] filed, it is merged at the end, when calling $TBS->Show().