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tbs 1.90b11 and variables

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By: ret
Date: 2004-01-09
Time: 16:48

tbs 1.90b11 and variables

When I use variables in blocks, for example:
[tbs_check.ok;block=begin;if [var._get.error]='user']
Auth error!
some html

new version (tbs190b11) alerts me with warnings about undefined [error] variable. But with old beta10 all was OK - silence. IS it new feature and will in new versions too? What I can to do with code? To much need to change for new version port :(
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-01-09
Time: 17:01

Re: tbs 1.90b11 and variables

Hi Ret,

You can use the parameter 'noerr' :
It is ingineered for that purpose and already existed in 1.90b10.

Sorry for this change of behavior.
I hope you found the issue is suitable.
By: ret
Date: 2004-01-10
Time: 13:30

Re: tbs 1.90b11 and variables

yes, but there is another problem. All these fields replaces with "array", not with "" :-(
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-01-11
Time: 13:09

Re: tbs 1.90b11 and variables

Is it more logical to return an empty string or the type of data (in fact that's the conversion into string) in case of error ?
Is it just for your template that you expect an empty string or do you find it conveniant for any case ?

That's a true question. I thought is was more coveniant to put the conversion into string, but I can change it.