By: martijn
Date: 2007-05-20
Time: 19:13
Simplifying var..cst field
I've just started over with my CMS to make it multi-theme compatible, and thought it would be nice to make a small wrapper for the [var..cst.CONSTANT]-field.
However, I don't have a clue how to do this, I mainly want to simplify:
[onload;file=[var..cst.THEMES_DIR]default/head.html] |
(the directory "default" will be replaced by a variable later on).
Is this possible to do? Thanks in advance!
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-05-21
Time: 00:05
Re: Simplifying var..cst field
You can have easilly
You can do it with the $TBS->MergeField() method to use with method and a custom function.
You can have it all automatic if you code a plug-in which does the same.
By: martijn
Date: 2007-05-23
Time: 07:13
Re: Simplifying var..cst field
I don't get exactly what you mean with: "You can do it with the $TBS->MergeField() method to use with method and a custom function.".
By: martijn
Date: 2007-05-23
Time: 07:15
Re: Simplifying var..cst field
I forgot to post what I currently have in my plugin file (not much):
define('TBS_GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS', 'Plugin_Functions');
class Plugin_Functions{
function OnInstall(){
$this->Version = '0.01';
return array('BeforeLoadTemplate', 'AfterLoadTemplate');
function BeforeLoadTemplate(&$File,&$HtmlCharSet){
$File = THEMES_DIR.THEME."/".$File;
function AfterLoadTemplate(&$File,&$HtmlCharSet){
return false;
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-05-23
Time: 17:09
Re: Simplifying var..cst field
I suggest this (not tested):
It merges fields like this [onload;ope=skin;file=header.html]
define('TBS_GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS', 'Plugin_Functions');
class Plugin_Functions{
function OnInstall(){
$this->Version = '0.01';
return array('BeforeLoadTemplate','OnOperation');
function BeforeLoadTemplate(&$File,&$HtmlCharSet){
$File = THEMES_DIR.THEME."/".$File;
function OnOperation($FieldName,&$Value,&$PrmLst,&$Txt,$PosBeg,$PosEnd,&$Loc) {
if ($PrmLst['ope']=='skin') {
if (isset($PrmLst['file'])) $PrmLst['file'] = THEMES_DIR.THEME."/".$PrmLst['file'];
You can complete this to do the same with "script=".
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