By: Don Bledsoe
Date: 2007-05-08
Time: 13:56
PHP Variables in MySQL Query
I am having some difficulty figuring out the proper syntax to not get this error:
[TbsSql] Trace SQL: INSERT INTO domains (custLname,custFname,company,email,account,expiresdate,createdate,domain,hosted) VALUES (Doe,John,Big Web Site,,1246,2008-03-01,2007-03-01,,F) LIMIT=1
[TbsSql] Database error message: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Web Site,,1246,2008-03-01,2007-03-01,big |
The very basic PHP script is:
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong;
$Db = new clsTbsSQL('localhost', 'forefron_forefro', 'Zipp1ttY', 'forefron_domtrak');
$Db->Mode = 3;
if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'])) {
// UPDATE record
$lastname = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['LastName']);
$firstname = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['FirstName']);
$company = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['Company']);
$email = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['Email']);
$account = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Account'];
$expires = $HTTP_POST_VARS['DomainExpires'];
$created = $HTTP_POST_VARS['DomainCreated'];
$domain = $HTTP_POST_VARS['DomainName'];
$hosted = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Hosted'];
$Db->Execute('INSERT INTO domains (custLname,custFname,company,email,account,expiresdate,createdate,domain,hosted) VALUES ('.$lastname.','.$firstname.','.$company.','.$email.','.$account.','.$expires.','.$created.','.$domain.','.$hosted.') LIMIT=1');
else {
} |
I'm sure it's something insanely simple and I'm just missing the boat here. I am very new to TBS. so I am going through the initial learning curve and I'm not a professional programmer (that should be obvious). If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-05-09
Time: 01:16
Re: PHP Variables in MySQL Query
This is just because you did not put the string delimitors in your SQL statments.
... VALUES (\''.$lastname.'\',\''.$firstname.'\' ...
But this is not good neither because you also have to pretect your variables against string delimitors and SQL injection.
TbsSQL does it for you :
$Db->Execute('INSERT INTO domains (custLname,custFname,company,email,account,expiresdate,createdate,domain,hosted) VALUES (@1@,@2@,@3@,@4@,@5@,@6@,@7@,@8@,@9@)',$lastname,$firstname,$company,$email,$account,$expires,$created,$domain,$hosted);
By: Don Bledsoe
Date: 2007-05-09
Time: 02:41
Re: PHP Variables in MySQL Query
Ah, so THAT'S how that works! I get it now. I wish the documentation had more examples for newbies like me.
Thank you very much for the guidance.
By: Don Bledsoe
Date: 2007-05-26
Time: 03:03
Re: PHP Variables in MySQL Query
I'm sure this is very elementary, but I want to get MySQL data into PHP variables after a MergeBlock() call. For example, there's a field in my database called expiresdate and I want to get this date string into a PHP variable so I can call a function to calculate the number of days between today and the expiresdate. Can I simply use $expiresdate and make the call?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-05-26
Time: 13:03
Re: PHP Variables in MySQL Query
If you have to calculate the the number of days for several records, the you can use parameter "ondata" to call a function on each records.
But in your case, the more simple I think is to ask MySQL to calculate the number of days directly in the SQL statement.
By: Don Bledsoe
Date: 2007-05-26
Time: 15:43
Re: PHP Variables in MySQL Query
Here's where I get lost:
I need to do that calculation and MySQL SELECT statement is fine, but I need to in-effect create a field on-the-fly that contains the result. I'll call it expDays. Can I do that? I guess my problem is understanding where MySQL will put the result of the calculation for each record and is it available to me as a MergeBlock() or PHP variable?
An awkward way is to add an integer field to the database and run a query to update the days field and then run my SELECT statement. This would make the value available for the MergeBlock() as [blk.expDays]. If that's the case, I need an IF statement that is the same as this:
if(expDays < 31) {
$cellbgcolor = "#FFB0B0";
} elseif(expDays < 61) {
$cellbgcolor = "#FFFF66";
} elseif(expDays < 91) {
$cellbgcolor = "#CCFFFF";
} |
Can TBS handle this?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-05-26
Time: 17:46
Re: PHP Variables in MySQL Query
Ok, I understand.
You can do that with TBS, just take a look at the Example Page of this site, choose "event functions". The example is quite like your problem.
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