By: Jaime
Date: 2007-03-05
Time: 00:38
headergrp, nested ul and valid (x)html
Hello, I'm in trouble trying to generate valid (x)html code with hesdergrp and nested ul (TBS 3.2). The problem is that it works with badly formed nested ul like this:
<ul><li>[centros.localidad;block=li;headergrp=localidad]</li><ul><li>[centros.centro;block=li]: [centros.direccion;block=li]</li></ul></ul>
but it fails with well formed nested lists:
<ul><li>[centros.localidad;block=li;headergrp=localidad]<ul><li>[centros.centro;block=li]: [centros.direccion;block=li]</li></ul></li></ul>
Am I missing anything or it's a bug?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2007-03-05
Time: 01:49
Re: headergrp, nested ul and valid (x)html
Hi Jaime,
You can see in your well formated snippet that the first <li> embeds the second one. Thus you should use "parentgrp" instead of "headergrp".
<li>[centros.centro;block=li]: [centros.direccion]</li>
By: Jaime
Date: 2007-03-05
Time: 02:03
Re: headergrp, nested ul and valid (x)html
Hi Scrol29, thanks for your quick reply, now it's working as expected. I'm sorry, but I'm new to version 3 and I'm a bit confused about all these new properties...
You're doing a great job for the community, thanks again...
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