By: martijn
Date: 2007-02-28
Time: 20:49
Merging not working
Hi all,
I'm trying to code a page for my site that displays only one row from a database record.
This page fetches the id-code from a GET variable called 'id'.
However, this variable may only contain numerical characters, so I have set up some error checking.
My problem however is that while I am able to use the passed id-number to fetch the name of the, in my case, software release and put it into a variable for the page title, it seems not to be working in a MergeBlock function (..WHERE id=$id).
The TBS tag for the block doesn't get parsed, it seems.
Here's my code.
case 'release':
$parse = ""; // Initiate the variable
$state = ""; // Ditto
if(!isset($_GET['id'])){ // Have we got a id global variable passed or not?
$state = 0; // Set status to zero
$parse = 0; // Set get variable to zero
$page_title = $portal->pageTitle('Error'); // Error page
else{ // Yes, it's set
if(is_numeric($_GET['id']) == TRUE){ // Numerical
$title = $sql->Value('0', 'SELECT name FROM `files_releases` WHERE (id=%1%)', $_GET['id']);
if($title != '0'){
$state = 1; // Set status to one, like a kind of switch for the template
$parse = $_GET['id']; // Set parse variable to get variable
$page_title = $portal->pageTitle($title); // Set the page title to what the database returns
$tmpl->MergeBlock('relfile', 'mysql',"SELECT name, version, description FROM `files_releases` WHERE id=$parse");
$state = 0;
$page_title = $portal->pageTitle('Error');
else{ // Not numerical
$state = 0; // Set status to zero
$parse = 0; // Set parse variable to zero
$page_title = $portal->pageTitle('Error'); // Error page
$tmpl->LoadTemplate('files.html'); // Load the template file
<div class="content">
[onload_state;block=div;when [var.state] == 0]
<h3 class="wimg">[var.page_title;htmlconv=no]</h3>
<div class="content">
[onload_state;block=div;when [var.state] == 1]
<h3 class="wimg">[var.page_title;htmlconv=no]</h3>
Thanks in advance for any help!
By: martijn
Date: 2007-03-04
Time: 15:08
Re: Merging not working
Sorry, but I really need to know what I did wrong with above code, since it seems ok to me.
By: TomH
Date: 2007-03-04
Time: 16:07
Re: Merging not working
Sorry if this is just a suggestion to do what you've already done to debug...
Independently verify that the mysql stmt in the MergeBlock actually is returning a value. Maybe add another var...
$parse= $_GET['id']; ;
$result = $sql->Value('0', 'SELECT name, version FROM `files_releases` WHERE (id=%1%)', $parse);
$debug = print_r($result, true);
Then add a display line to the HTML
Test MergeBlock query: [var.debug]
Otherwise, try placing the LoadTemplate before the MergeBlock ;)
By: martijn
Date: 2007-03-04
Time: 16:12
Re: Merging not working
I tried that, also changing location, but it didn't help.
And now it also fails rendering completely on that section.
Everything just gets thrown out like this:
[onload_state;block=div;when [var.state] == 0]
[onload_state;block=div;when [var.state] == 1]
Rest of this site renders correctly. I'm perplexed by this :S
By: martijn
Date: 2007-03-04
Time: 16:27
Re: Merging not working
Never mind, I saved it in a wrong encoding by mistake.
And the tip on placing LoadTemplate before MergeBlock did the trick, too.
Posting in progress.
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