By: RobN
Date: 2007-02-04
Time: 14:37
Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
I am busy building a system using MySQL with Article Groups and Articles. The users must be able to click a button or text to expand the Group(s) and thus showing the article details.
I am aware of the Grouping function but this does not give the Hide/Unhiding possibilities, without loading the whole page again.
After a long struggle with all the Javascripts that are around I hope someone can help me out here. The combination of DIV's with unique ID's is breaking me up.
Who can help me out?
By: Martin
Date: 2007-02-04
Time: 17:14
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
Hi RobN. Sorry for my poor english, first.
I have this code to do this:
1. Put this code into a separate .js file like faq.js
var _aFAQItems = new Array();
function FAQ_AnswerBegin(sAnswerID)
if (document.getElementById(sAnswerID) == null)
document.write("<div id=\"" + sAnswerID + "\" style=\"margin-left:20px;display:none;\">");
_aFAQItems[sAnswerID] = sAnswerID;
window.alert("El ID esta en uso '" + sAnswerID + "'");
function FAQ_AnswerEnd()
function FAQ_Show(sAnswerID)
document.getElementById(sAnswerID).style.display = (document.getElementById(sAnswerID).style.display == "none") ? "" : "none";
function FAQ_ShowAll(sShowAllButton, sHideAllButton)
document.getElementById(sShowAllButton).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById(sHideAllButton).style.display = "";
for(var sAnswerID in _aFAQItems)
document.getElementById(sAnswerID).style.display = "";
function FAQ_HideAll(sShowAllButton, sHideAllButton)
document.getElementById(sHideAllButton).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById(sShowAllButton).style.display = "";
for(var sAnswerID in _aFAQItems)
document.getElementById(sAnswerID).style.display = "none";
2. In PHP merge a block like blk1 with your data like Id / Title / Description
<a href="javascript:FAQ_Show(blk1.Id;block=p);">[blk1.Title]</a>
<script "type=text/javascript">FAQ_AnswerBegin([blk1.Id]);</script>"
<script "type=text/javascript">FAQ_AnswerEnd();</script>
I hope to explain you well, if not, let me know.
By: Martin
Date: 2007-02-04
Time: 17:34
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
I forgot.. include the faq.js into then template
<script type=text/javascript src="faq.js"></script>
By: RobN
Date: 2007-02-04
Time: 20:46
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
Hello Martin,
Thanks a lot for your contribution. It sound/looks promissing, however in a table layout, where do you put your code? Around the TR or TD or within each line?
Can you give me an example how you do that?
Thanks a lot,
By: RobN
Date: 2007-02-05
Time: 11:13
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
I am afraid this solution does not work because of the following:
My database has a Material table and a Product table. The Product table is linked to Material by Product.Material_Id.
Normally you make a table with 3 times TR en TD, i.e.
<tr><td>Header with material [Product.Material_Id]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Subheading with names of table columns</td></tr>
<tr><td>Details with [Product.Material_Id] and [Product.Article_number]</td></tr>
Now I want to Show/Hide the subheading and details by OnClick(?) the Heading.
All the standard methods use <DIV id=[Product.Material_Id]> but this does not work as TBS seems to remove the <DIV> from the sourcecode.
Or to rephrase the question a bit: How can I include the unique ID's from the header in a DIV that is shown in HTML.
Hope this clarifies it a bit more(?)
Thanks, Rob
By: Martin
Date: 2007-02-06
Time: 03:54
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
Hi RobN, you are you ?
Please copy and paste this and let me know if work.
<script type=text/javascript src="faq.js"></script>
<tr><td><a href="javascript:FAQ_Show(1);">Header with material [Product.Material_Id]</a></td></tr>
<script "type=text/javascript">FAQ_AnswerBegin(1);</script>
<tr><td>Subheading with names of table columns</td></tr>
<tr><td>Details with [Product.Material_Id] and [Product.Article_number]</td></tr>
<script "type=text/javascript">FAQ_AnswerEnd();</script>
<tr><td><a href="javascript:FAQ_Show(2);">Header with material [Product.Material_Id]</a></td></tr>
<script "type=text/javascript">FAQ_AnswerBegin(2);</script>
<tr><td>Subheading with names of table columns</td></tr>
<tr><td>Details with [Product.Material_Id] and [Product.Article_number]</td></tr>
<script "type=text/javascript">FAQ_AnswerEnd();</script>
By: Martin
Date: 2007-02-06
Time: 04:04
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
Hi robN, i dont know if i was clear.
Copy and Paste the code and save it into a plain test.htm.
If is work, just change at template, to loop at <tr> of the first table
I hope with my english understand the idea....
By: RobN
Date: 2007-02-06
Time: 10:32
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
Hello Martin,
I understand your English very well. However Firefox does not ;-}.
When I test your script in IE7 it works fine, however Firefox shows everything. Here in The Netherlands 25% uses Firefox so that cannot be overseen.
When testing it in IE I still have problem with the block of TBS and the results.
Hopefully you are willing to spend some more time on this as I think that many people will benefit from your solution! Therefor I will send you my database and script by email. Once we have it running we can upload the solution here.
Thanks again, Rob
By: anil
Date: 2008-10-22
Time: 10:03
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
hi...please explain me how do i make read only jsf third party componenet
By: Martin
Date: 2008-10-22
Time: 23:35
Re: Hide/Unhide table results without reloading page
Hi anil !
Please, explain my what is jsf and i will try to help you.
Thanks. Martin
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