By: IndridCold
Date: 2006-12-09
Time: 20:42
No takers?
I need this bit of html to be repeated for each row from my database:
<div class="productSummary">
<div class="productThumb">
<div class="productDesc">
<div class="clear"> </div>
Any takers on how this can be achieved ?
By: IndridCold
Date: 2006-12-09
Time: 20:44
Re: No takers?
Nevermind, put the template syntax inside the div tag instead. just wanted an alternative block for there being no data - if that were to happen.
By: RwD
Date: 2006-12-09
Time: 21:05
Re: No takers?
The question you asked is about a basic function of tbs. There are plenty of examples in the example section. There's also a manual that explains how to do this...
By: sheepy
Date: 2006-12-11
Time: 09:35
Re: No takers?
I think we need an English tutorial; the example about block is not very informative. Sure the code and logic is simple, but it concentrates on the tag and not the purpose or what's happening. I recall that when I first started learning tbs, I struggled a few days before I'm confident I got it. I was feeling it's like arcane magic - it looks fancy, and it really works wonder, but it isn't the easiest template to learn, especially if you utilize its unique dynamic nature...
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