By: Antti
Date: 2003-12-12
Time: 15:02
First of all, I would like to thank you for the really great TinyButStrong. I downloaded it yesterday and I never had done anything with php before. Now I've learnt a lot of php in 2 days, and I can do already some little programs. All because I got so exited about TinyButStrong.
.. and my problem:
I have a tag made in my template like this:
Is it possible to replace the no tag with a variable?
For example:
I didn't get it to work that way.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-12-12
Time: 15:35
Re: htmlconv
hi Antti,
Yes you can.
The embded [var.*] tags are replaced automatically if the parameter is supposed to be an expression. If it supposed to be a keyword, you have to ensure that the embeded tag is merged first.
In your case, you have to ensure that it is merged first.
For that, you can use the MergeField() method.
Example :
HTML side : [mytag;html=[printhtml]]
PHP side : $TBS->MergeField('printhtml',$printhtml) ;