By: sheepy
Date: 2006-08-01
Time: 10:40
Multiple plugin operations?
I noticed that as of v3.1.1, only the last 'opt' parameter of a series is recognised. Is there some other way to allow for multiple plugin operations? This will allow simple solution of complicated operations that would otherwise has to be processed with php.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-08-01
Time: 14:39
Re: Multiple plugin operations?
Thta's true, oly the last parameter "ope" is taken into acount into a same TBS field. I didn't think it could be a problem. I think this parameter can be enhanced in a futur version in order to accept several values.
Can you give me an example of several "ope" usage you'd like to perform ?
By: sheepy
Date: 2006-08-04
Time: 12:32
Re: Multiple plugin operations?
Here is a simplified example of what I'm really using:
What the above block does, when merged in the correct order, is take an item's price, add some tax, multiply the sum by some currency rate, and then trigger magnet if the result is zero (by setting the value to ''), and finally apply formatting if it's not magneted.
It is not terriably efficient, I know, but it saves me time. The syntax is simple and flexible, safe to be copied around, no need to write custom function, and let me merge database result directly.
This also let me easily and safely change how prices are displayed by a multi-file replace, since I don't have to look for prices in code and pick out the one that are shown from the one being processed.
Other functions are possible, I've got substring, lower case, upper case, random number, negation, floor, round, boolean expression, etc. I am not using all of them but I think they may be useful someday.
By: sheepy
Date: 2006-08-04
Time: 12:37
Re: Multiple plugin operations?
Actually, except for the performance concern that every parameter of every field has to go through a long list of elseif, I'm quite happy with how it works, both the syntax and the result.
The plugin goes like this (I haven't tested all operations)
$GLOBALS['_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns'][] = TBS_PLUS; // Auto-install
class clsTbsPlugInPlus {
function OnInstall() { return array('OnFormat'); }
function OnFormat($FieldName,&$Value,&$PrmLst,&$TBS) {
foreach ($PrmLst as $key => $param) {
$key = strtolower($key);
// Mathematical operations
if ($key=='+') $Value += $param; // Multiplication
elseif ($key=='-') $Value -= $param; // Multiplication
elseif ($key=='*') $Value *= $param; // Multiplication
elseif ($key=='/') $Value /= $param; // Multiplication
elseif ($key=='add') $Value += $param; // Addition
elseif ($key=='dec') $Value -= $param; // Addition
elseif ($key=='multi') $Value *= $param; // Multiplication
elseif ($key=='div') $Value /= $param; // Division
elseif ($key=='inv') $Value = $param/$Value; // Inversion
elseif ($key=='mod') $Value = $Value % $param;
elseif ($key=='power') $Value = pow($Value, $param); // Power to value
elseif ($key=='random') $Value = rand(1, $Value); // Random number of 1..value
elseif ($key=='sqrt') $Value = sqrt($Value); // Square root
elseif ($key=='floor') $Value = floor($Value); // Floor number
elseif ($key=='round') $Value = round($Value); // Floor number
elseif ($key=='neg') $Value = -$Value; // Negation
// String operations
elseif ($key=='sub') { // Substring
$param = explode(',', $param, 2);
if (sizeof($param)==1) $Value = substr($Value, $param[0]);
else $Value = substr($Value, $param[0],$param[1]);
elseif ($key=='lowercase') $Value = strtolower($Value);
elseif ($key=='uppercase') $Value = strtoupper($Value);
// Boolean operators
elseif ($key=='not') $Value = !$Value;
// Magnet functions
elseif ($key=='zeromagnet' && is_numeric($Value) && !(float)$Value) $Value='';
elseif ($key=='emptymagnet' && empty($Value)) $Value='';