By: Marcos Borges
Date: 2006-06-07
Time: 15:49
Sub-blocks with Plug-in: Display by page
How do i do to show data in blocks and sub-blocks and Display by page each 10 blocks ???
Now i can Display by page wich block,
but when i insert a sub-block doesnt work.
can you helpe-me ???
tks !!!
Marcos Borges
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-07
Time: 16:02
Re: Sub-blocks with Plug-in: Display by page
You can display by page (let's say) 10 records of a main block, and then just after merge the sub-block without using by page. It should work.
By: Marcos Borges
Date: 2006-06-07
Time: 16:14
Re: Sub-blocks with Plug-in: Display by page
I did not understand can give me example?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-07
Time: 16:21
Re: Sub-blocks with Plug-in: Display by page
Example :
$TBS->PlugIn(TBS_BYPAGE,10,$PageNum); // activate ByPage mode for the next MergeBlock
$TBS->MergeBlock('main','mysql','SELECT * FROM t_main'); // main block
$TBS->MergeBlock('sub','mysql','SELECT * FROM t_sub WHERE (main_id=%p1%'); // sub-blocks
By: Marcos Borges
Date: 2006-06-07
Time: 17:04
Re: Sub-blocks with Plug-in: Display by page
its $TBS->PlugIn this in tbs 2.05.3 ???
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-07
Time: 17:23
Re: Sub-blocks with Plug-in: Display by page
> its $TBS->PlugIn this in tbs 2.05.3 ???
No sorry, it is in TBS 3.
It is the same example with TBS 2 but having ByPage arguments at the end of the first MergeBlock() instead of in a PlugIn() call.
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