By: ricobomb
Date: 2003-10-06
Time: 15:26
display "loading" message while parsing template
Hello !
I have tried to print an HTML message 'loading..' while my php code
is working. I want to use the show method (with rendering option switched to just output) to display the loading message then let my script working to finally show the result in another template.
i use the javascript and DHTML mecanism of displaying a div while loading and then run a js code that hides that div when the page is completely loaded.
to make it working, i've cut my main template in two : one with HTML code from <html>... to <BODY> with onload event and another one with the rest of the page (many blocks...)
It seems to work but it's not as fast as i want even if the instructions of displaying the headers are the first instructions of the code...
some ideas would be appreciated !