By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-06-01
Time: 12:09
checkboxes and blocks
i have block with questions and need for each an checkbox wich is 1 if selected. But it seems that it merge it not correctly.
So i have an error in my template but i can't see where...
<td align="right">[question.input_question;block=tr]:</td>
<td><input name="q-[question.qid]" id="q-[question.qid]" value="[question.answer]" size="30" maxlength="100">
<td align="center">[question.public;selected=qp-[question.qid]]
<input name="qp-[question.qid]" type="checkbox" id="qp-[question.qid]" value="1">
Thanks Peter
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-01
Time: 12:26
Re: checkboxes and blocks
What is your TBS version ?
By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-06-01
Time: 12:35
Re: checkboxes and blocks
Version is the old 2.05.7
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-01
Time: 14:17
Re: checkboxes and blocks
Hi Peter,
If your <input> tags are not embedded into <form> tags, then TBS won't found the bounds and will ignore parameter "selected".
However, you can force the bounds using parameter "selbounds". I suggest that you use it in order to optimize your merging:
So TBS will search for the <input> tag only inside the same <td> tags.
By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-06-01
Time: 14:48
Re: checkboxes and blocks
ok thanks for the info
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-01
Time: 14:57
Re: checkboxes and blocks
I've tried selbounds with your snippet: items are correctly corrected for me.
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