By: testebr
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 07:29
issue using MergeBlock
hi gringos,
my codes are in portuguese, but the idea is universal. See my problem:
template page 1
<script>total_de_noticias = [bloco1.#];</script><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 15px;">
<td><img src="imagens/folha.gif" alt="" width="14" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><span id="total_news" style="font-weight: bold;">[bloco1.#;]</span> Notícias no sistema</td>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#E0E0E0" class="sortable" id="t1" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;">
<td width="41" align="center" valign="middle" class="sort">ID</td>
<td width="290" align="center" class="sort">Título</td>
<td width="120" align="center" class="sort">Autor</td>
<td width="140" align="center" nowrap class="sort">Data do Envio</td>
<td width="78" align="center" class="sort">Acessos</td>
<td width="78" align="center" class="sort">Ação</td>
<tr id="tr_[]">
<td align="center">[;htmlconv=no;block=tr]</td>
<td><a href="noticias/[bloco1.permalink;htmlconv=no]" target="_blank">[bloco1.titulo;htmlconv=no]</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="usuarios/[bloco1.username;htmlconv=no]" target="_blank">[bloco1.username;htmlconv=no]</a></td>
<td align="center">[;htmlconv=no]</td>
<td align="center">[bloco1.acessos;htmlconv=no]</td>
<td align="center"><a href="javascript: ajax('editar_noticia&id=[;]');" title="Editar Notícia - ID [;]"><img src="imagens/editar.png" alt="Editar Notícia - ID [;]" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Apagar Notícia - ID [;]" onclick="if(confirm('Deseja realmente enviar a notícia [;] para a lixeira?')){ajax('apagar_noticia&id=[;]');} return false;"><img src="imagens/apagar.png" alt="Apagar Notícia - ID [;]" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <input type="checkbox" value="" onclick="pinta('2')"></td>
<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee" id="tr_[]">
<td align="center">[;htmlconv=no;block=tr]</td>
<td><a href="noticias/[bloco1.permalink;htmlconv=no]" target="_blank">[bloco1.titulo;htmlconv=no]</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="usuarios/[bloco1.username;htmlconv=no]">[bloco1.username;htmlconv=no]</a></td>
<td align="center">[;htmlconv=no]</td>
<td align="center">[bloco1.acessos;htmlconv=no]</td>
<td align="center"><a href="javascript: ajax('editar_noticia&id=[;]');" title="Editar Notícia - ID [;]"><img src="imagens/editar.png" alt="Editar Notícia - ID [;]" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Apagar Notícia - ID [;]" onclick="if(confirm('Deseja realmente enviar a notícia [;] para a lixeira?')){ajax('apagar_noticia&id=[;]');} return false;"><img src="imagens/apagar.png" alt="Apagar Notícia - ID [;]" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <input type="checkbox" value="" onclick="pinta('2')"></td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;" id="nenhuma_noticia">
<td align="center">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 10px;">
<td>Um frase doida aqui</td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;">
<td align="center">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 10px;">
<td align="center">Nenhuma Notícia no Sistema.<br><br>O que acha de postar uma bem legal?</td>
This template have wrong code (yeah, I know.. I'm here to find help for find correct use)
My php page:
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; // carregando a class de template
if (is_null($noticias_listar->buceta)) $noticias_listar->buceta = array();
In this php page, the var $noticias_listar->buceta is a array.
The question area, what is wrong in my template page?
This page result in my browser like this:
If $noticias_listar->buceta is really null, the result are:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;">
<td align="center">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 10px;">
<td align="center">Nenhuma Notícia no Sistema.<br><br>O que acha de postar uma bem legal?</td>
This table is from the template file insite the 'tags': [bloco1;block=begin;nodata] [bloco1;block=end]
Now, if $noticias_listar->buceta the result will be anything like this:
<script>total_de_noticias = 1;</script><table width="100%[ERROR]" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 15px;">
<td><img src="imagens/folha.gif" alt="" width="14" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><span id="total_news" style="font-weight: bold;">1</span> Notícias no sistema</td>
<table width="100%[ERROR]" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#E0E0E0" class="sortable" id="t1" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;">
<td width="41" align="center" valign="middle" class="sort">ID</td>
<td width="290" align="center" class="sort">Título</td>
<td width="120" align="center" class="sort">Autor</td>
<td width="140" align="center" nowrap class="sort">Data do Envio</td>
<td width="78" align="center" class="sort">Acessos</td>
<td width="78" align="center" class="sort">Ação</td>
<tr id="tr_1">
<td align="center">1</td>
<td><a href="noticias/teste-666" target="_blank">teste 666</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="usuarios/zegames" target="_blank">zegames</a></td>
<td align="center">19 de Janeiro de 2038 às 03:14</td>
<td align="center">14</td>
<td align="center"><a href="javascript: ajax('editar_noticia&id=1');" title="Editar Notícia - ID 1"><img src="imagens/editar.png" alt="Editar Notícia - ID 1" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Apagar Notícia - ID 1" onclick="if(confirm('Deseja realmente enviar a notícia 1 para a lixeira?')){ajax('apagar_noticia&id=1');} return false;"><img src="imagens/apagar.png" alt="Apagar Notícia - ID 1" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <input type="checkbox" value="" onclick="pinta(\'2\')"></td>
Note that template stop and dont show all code that I want, in other words, all above: [bloco1;block=begin;nodata]
Thanks advanced, sorry my poor english and this very noob question.
By: Sheepy
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 07:40
Re: issue using MergeBlock
Hmm. Can you try to describe what's wrong, when it's wrong (e.g. no data, one item, many item), and provides sample input array (that comes out wrong)?
By: testebr
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 13:36
Re: issue using MergeBlock
Sorry, it's hard for me explain the problem. Lets go...
If $noticias_listar->buceta is really null, the result are:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;">
<td align="center">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 10px;">
<td align="center">Nenhuma Notícia no Sistema.<br><br>O que acha de postar uma bem legal?</td>
YEs!! This is want I need and are correct for me. Repair the template file in my first post please and this result.
Now, if $noticias_listar->buceta NOT is null the result will be anything like this:
<script>total_de_noticias = 1;</script><table width="100%[ERROR]" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 0px;">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="margin: 15px;">
<td><img src="imagens/folha.gif" alt="" width="14" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><span id="total_news" style="font-weight: bold;">1</span> Notícias no sistema</td>
<table width="100%[ERROR]" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#E0E0E0" class="sortable" id="t1" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;">
<td width="41" align="center" valign="middle" class="sort">ID</td>
<td width="290" align="center" class="sort">Título</td>
<td width="120" align="center" class="sort">Autor</td>
<td width="140" align="center" nowrap class="sort">Data do Envio</td>
<td width="78" align="center" class="sort">Acessos</td>
<td width="78" align="center" class="sort">Ação</td>
<tr id="tr_1">
<td align="center">1</td>
<td><a href="noticias/teste-666" target="_blank">teste 666</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="usuarios/zegames" target="_blank">zegames</a></td>
<td align="center">19 de Janeiro de 2038 às 03:14</td>
<td align="center">14</td>
<td align="center"><a href="javascript: ajax('editar_noticia&id=1');" title="Editar Notícia - ID 1"><img src="imagens/editar.png" alt="Editar Notícia - ID 1" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Apagar Notícia - ID 1" onclick="if(confirm('Deseja realmente enviar a notícia 1 para a lixeira?')){ajax('apagar_noticia&id=1');} return false;"><img src="imagens/apagar.png" alt="Apagar Notícia - ID 1" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <input type="checkbox" value="" onclick="pinta(\'2\')"></td>
You repair my themplate file and this result? The code stop in </tr> and don show fully like I want..
Well, I want that result are all code above the [bloco1;block=begin;nodata]
Imaginary template file:
if array is populate:
. show all here
if array is NULL:
. show all here
You understand me my problem and what result here?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 14:58
Re: issue using MergeBlock
Hello testebr,
I can see something wrong in your template. You have to keep in mind that all sections of a block should be sequential. All that is beetween sections of a bock is deleted by TBS when the block is merged. This can be surprising but there is other logical way to proceed.
Thus, when you have something like:
<table id="table1">
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;...] ... </tr>
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;...] ... </tr>
bla bla bla
<table id="table2">
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=table;nodata;...] ... </tr>
Then the part
will never be displayed because it is placed beetween section's bounds of block "bloco1".
You should better code:
<table id="table1">
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;...] ... </tr>
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;...] ... </tr>
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;nodata;...] ... </tr>
By: testebr
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 15:38
Re: issue using MergeBlock
ok.. I change my php code :(
if( is_null($noticias_listar->buceta) )
Work, fine... but, my question is live yet.
By: testebr
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 20:15
Re: issue using MergeBlock
hmm I need always place a id for the table?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-04-26
Time: 20:54
Re: issue using MergeBlock
> hmm I need always place a id for the table?
Not at all, that was only to distinguish them in my example.
By: testebr
Date: 2006-04-27
Time: 21:43
Re: issue using MergeBlock
your example:
<table id="table1">
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;...] ... </tr>
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;...] ... </tr>
<tr> ... [bloco1;block=tr;nodata;...] ... </tr>
Will show the same table if no date, but only the last TR line?
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