By: thuc 101
Date: 2006-04-07
Time: 06:59
Hi, Mr SCroll29, Help me
What is Problem, why the right column dispear!!!!
<table width="100%" border="1">
<td colspan="2">logo</td>
<td width="26%">
?> </td>
<td width="74%">web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main web main </td>
file template: menu.htm
<table width="170" border="1">
<td background="images/link_1.gif"><div align="center"><strong>[blk.ten;block=tr]</strong></div></td>
<td>[blk;block=tr;nodata]There is no data.</td>
File php:menu.php
include_once('../lib/tbs_class.php') ;
array_push($menu,array('id'=>$i,'ten'=>'menu '.$i));
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong ;
$TBS->LoadTemplate('menu.htm') ;
$TBS->MergeBlock('blk',$menu) ;
$TBS->Show() ;
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-04-07
Time: 10:31
Re: Hi, Mr SCroll29, Help me
Hello, Thuc,
You should not choose such a title for your problem, because it doesn't help to figure out what it is about before to read.
What happens in your application is normal. By default, the Show() method exits the script immediatly. You should add a parameter to ask it to display without quit.
By: thuc 101
Date: 2006-04-08
Time: 05:20
parameter of Show() function
Thank you, Mr Scroll29
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