By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-03-29
Time: 15:42
block and conditional display
ich have an serial-block html like this:
[][bookfriends_1.owner;if [val]==1;then '<br>Eigentuemer']
[][bookfriends_2.owner;if [val]==1;then '<br>Eigentuemer']
[][bookfriends_3.owner;if [val]==1;then '<br>Eigentuemer']
and merge this with mergeblock ... but it seems that the conditional display is not merged.
Is it not possible in blocks?
Bye Peter
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-03-29
Time: 15:50
Re: block and conditional display
Hello Peter,
Could you precise what happens?
Your 'if' statement seems ok.
By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-03-29
Time: 16:26
Re: block and conditional display
i have two owner wich set to 0 and one to 1, but it prints always "<br>Eigentuemer" :( I think i am oversee something.
The array wich i merge has the correct values, but it seems that my TBS tags in the HTML not correct...
The values are defined as :
$werte['owner'] = 0;
$werte['owner'] = 1;
All the other tags display properly, also when i write
[bookfriends_3.owner] the values merged correct.
I really don't know where my mistake is.
Bye Peter
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-03-29
Time: 16:34
Re: block and conditional display
Could you check if there is no text line breaks inside the TBS tag. (<br> is ok, but not "\r\n").
Could you also verify the assumed values by displaying them without conditional display.
I suggest you place them betweens {} in order to see blank charaters and line breaks.
By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-03-29
Time: 17:04
Re: block and conditional display
i tried this short code for testing and here is all ok, i think i have an problem in my big template :( I will try to find out what this causes. BTW Is there an way to make the if's \n\r compatible? Dreamweaver makes me wild when he break the line so often.
$html = "
<td>[bookfriends;block=tr;serial][bookfriends_1.nickname;block=td][bookfriends_1.owner][bookfriends_1.owner;if [val]==1;then '<br> Eigentümer']</td>
<td>[bookfriends_2.nickname;block=td;.][bookfriends_2.owner][bookfriends_2.owner;if [val]==1;then '<br> Eigentümer']</td>
<td>[bookfriends_3.nickname;block=td;.][bookfriends_3.owner][bookfriends_3.owner;if [val]==1;then '<br> Eigentümer']</td>
<td>[bookfriends_4.nickname;block=td;.][bookfriends_4.owner;if [val]=1;then '<br> Eigentümer']</td>
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong ;
$TBS->Source = $html;
$buecher[] = array('nickname' => 'test1 ', 'owner' => 0);
$buecher[] = array('nickname' => 'test2 ', 'owner' => 1);
$buecher[] = array('nickname' => 'test2 ', 'owner' => 1);
$TBS->MergeBlock('bookfriends', $buecher);
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-03-29
Time: 17:24
Re: block and conditional display
> Is there an way to make the if's \n\r compatible?
Not whithout coding.
This could be a nice enhancement, but I have to figure out before if this cannot make any trouble in building a template.
By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-03-31
Time: 10:50
Re: block and conditional display
yet i know the problem, it was an previous if like this:
[test;if [val]=1;then '
some tables....
[bookfriends_4.owner;if [val]=1;then '<br> Eigentümer']
so the [val] get never the correct value. Is that desired or an bug?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-03-31
Time: 11:14
Re: block and conditional display
Ig [test] is merged before [bookfriens] then it has a definition with bad string deltimitors. Someting like :
[test;...;then 'xxx'yyy'zzz']] |
While it should be:
[test;...;then 'xxx''yyy''zzz']] |
By: Peter Schade
Date: 2006-03-31
Time: 11:54
Re: block and conditional display
ah yes i forgot the delimiters.
Thank you for your help
Bye Peter
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