By: juglesh
Date: 2006-03-22
Time: 01:26
conditional subtemplates
Ok, I dont get it, sorry.
here is my php:
$TBS->LoadTemplate('t5.htm') ;
if ($form->validate()) {
$process = $form->process('process_data', false);
$TBS->Show() ;
main template t5.htm:
[onload_1;file='t5form.php';when [var.formgood]=0;subtpl]
[onload_1;file='t5process.php';when [var.formgood]=1;subtpl]
<form [var.newr.attributes;htmlconv=no] >
I think you can see that I would like to use one subtemplate to show the form, and another to show the results. I named the tpls .php, but just out of habit.
I get a 'Can't merge [var.process] ' error the first time the page is run, but I shouldnt see that at all untill after I run the form.
Upon submit the form, I get the process I expect, but I still get the form.
thanks for your time,
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-03-22
Time: 01:50
Re: conditional subtemplates
Hello juglesh,
Parameter 'when' is for block only. Fields need parameter 'if' instead.
And you've defined only fields (no parameter block used).
I suggest the following:
[onload;file=[var.formgood;if [val]=0;then 't5form.php';else 't5process.php']
By: juglesh
Date: 2006-03-22
Time: 13:26
Re: conditional subtemplates
Hello, and Thanks,
That code you gave apparently missing an end bracket (cant find end of tag). So I put a ] at the end.
then I get
'Can't merge [var.formgood] because there is no PHP global variable named 'formgood'
Which is mysterious, cuz I am able to show that variable using a simple [var.formgood] in the same tpl.
Also, on the same page:
'(Parameter 'file'): Field [onload] : unable to read the file '[var.formgood;if =0;then 't5form.php';else 't5process.php']'
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-03-22
Time: 13:32
Re: conditional subtemplates
Yes , this is because youe templae use a [onload] automatic field wich is processed when you call LoadTemplate(). But LoadTemplate() is called before $formgood is set, that why TBS cannot merge it.
Just Move the line:
$TBS->LoadTemplate('t5.htm') ;
after $formgood is set.
By: juglesh
Date: 2006-03-22
Time: 13:43
Re: conditional subtemplates
Thanks much!
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