By: matrix7319
Date: 2006-02-15
Time: 12:47
Block=begin Problem
First things : TBS is greeaattt ! (We made more than 20 projects for our consumers using TBS for XML, HTML, CSV, PDF and evrything is great)
I have my first problem since 2 years of use :
I would like to hide a long part of text if a variable is set to 0. It's not HTML but pure text. So I made a block begin and I am trying to hide it using onshow :
[navigation;block=begin][onshow_1;when [main.navigationvalue]=1;block=navigation]
Long Part of text to hide
Nothing append. Does somebody have an idea ?
Thanks For Advance
By: Tom
Date: 2006-02-15
Time: 13:06
Re: Block=begin Problem
I usually create a special tag for things like this - it helps me to avoid any confusion...
[onload;block=longtext;when [var.actionflag]=Y] Here's the long text asdrg asertgasertg seratg srtg srtg srthgs rthg srthg strg strg sarte terg strh g
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-02-15
Time: 13:31
Re: Block=begin Problem
The Tom's issue is correct. Here is how I would do it:
[onshow;block=begin;when [main.navigationvalue]=1]
Long Part of text to hide
But if [main.navigationvalue] is placed outside the "main" block, then you have to be sure that this field is really merged and if it returns the expected value. Otherwise, the condition will always be false.
By: matrix7319
Date: 2006-02-15
Time: 13:37
Re: Block=begin Problem
It Works !
Thanks a lot
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