By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-02-07
Time: 21:16
deleting block B when block A has no data
Here is an example with a block named A, which displays records on the rows of an HTLM table. The entire table is deleted when there is no data, this is done by the parameter "magnet=table" placed in an automatic field. This automatic field is merged only when there is no data in block A.
<tr><td> [;block=tr] Normal section </td></tr>
<tr><td> [A;block=tr;nodata] [onshow;magnet=table] </td></tr>
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-06-25
Time: 18:13
Re: deleting block B when block A has no data
With TBS 3.0 or higer, you can use parameter "bmagnet" to do the same.
By: Tom
Date: 2006-11-08
Time: 18:13
Re: deleting block B when block A has no data
i was looking for a way to a) hide the table (which works) but also b) show an other message. Like this:
if i have records, show in <table><tr><td>table headers</td></tr><tr><td> row data</Td></tr></table>, but if no records are found, hide entire table + show <div>There are no records</div>
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