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nested queries with page breaks

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By: sam
Date: 2006-02-03
Time: 11:26

nested queries with page breaks

I have a mysql table with 5 school classes (there are lots more but I've simplified for this explanation)  each with different number of students in each class.
class 1  has 15 students (fname,surname)
class 2  has 18 students (fname,surname)
class 3  has 22 students (fname,surname)
class 4  has 17 students (fname,surname)
class 5  has 20 students (fname,surname)

I'd like to merge them and put each class on a seperate page.
page 1 has class1 with a table of 15 rows down it
page 2 has class2 with a table of 18 rows down it
page 3 has class3 with a table of 22 rows down it
page 4 has class4 with a table of 17 rows down it
page 5 has class5 with a table of 20 rows down it

ie a 5 page openoffice doc.

I've tried using sublocks but still only get the one page (+1 page break as well=2page doc)


[data2.fname] [data2.surname]


The main code in the php file is:
$sql1="select distinct(class) from table";
$sql2="select fname,surname from table";

$OOo->MergeBlock('data',$connection,$sql1) ;
$OOo->MergeBlock('data2',$connection,$sql2) ;

Any help would be appreciated
By: sam
Date: 2006-02-08
Time: 06:51

Solved but too slow Re: nested queries with page breaks

Solved... but too slow!
I managed to hack one of the example scripts but I have found that it runs too slow.
Firstly here is the scenario:
I have a mysql table with about 6000 records in the format (some fileds included as example)

Now from this I need to make a classlist an put these on a unique page. So I populate an array classes[] with this (theres only about 65 classes) then I loop through each of the classes using the hacked subblock example and produce a class list on each page. It works but is too slow. I have to increase the timeout of querying mysql to be about 3 mins - which is way too slow, before the openoffice document is produced.
Here is my codeing:
FIrst the openoffice file looks like (download it from my server:

the phpcode is as follows:

$sql="SELECT *,count(class) as classtots FROM rec6000 where Year = '11' group by class order by Line,class";
//$sql="select r.*,s.* from rec6000 as r left join 800lines as s on r.ID=s.ID where r.class='12InfPr LC'";
$result= mysql_query ($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);

// send a blank one on page 1:
$classes[] = array('classname'=>"" ,'total'=>'','no'=>'');

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

    if ($numinclass > 0) {
        $classes[] = array('classname'=>"$row[class]" ,'total'=>$numinclass,'no'=>$i);

// ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
// #########################################################################3


while (list($key,$val) = each($classes)) {

    $subj=$classes[$key][classname] ;

    $sql2="SELECT * from rec6000 where class='$subj'";
    $result= mysql_query ($sql2);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        $TeamListy[$j]['matches'][] =  array('town'=>"$row[name]",'score'=>"$row[surname]");   


// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

// instantiate a TBS OOo class
$OOo = new clsTinyButStrongOOo;

// setting the object

// create a new openoffice document from the template with an unique id

// merge data with openoffice file named 'content.xml'

$OOo->MergeBlock('mb','array','classes') ;
$OOo->MergeBlock('sb','array','TeamListy[%p1%][matches]') ;


// display
header('Content-type: '.$OOo->GetMimetypeDoc());
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($OOo->GetPathnameDoc()));

My conclusion is this:
I would love to produce openoffice documents but I need the performance increased. I can at present make them in html in secs then run them throught htmldoc ( to produce a pdf file. OpenOffice is much more preferrable.

Any help would be appreciated