By: MightyRaven
Date: 2003-08-15
Time: 04:02
How i store data to mySQL database ?
im beginner with TBS + PHP, i dont quite sure how i can procede this task.
Like, i must to create a FORM and send some data to MySQL
How to do that ?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-08-15
Time: 13:39
Re: How i store data to mySQL database ?
In the examples set, you will find a page that shows how to get datat from a HTML form, and how to make check on this data.
The source of this forum is also available and contains several examples of reading a form and storing data.
For security reasons, TBS is unable to save or edit the data. You have to do it with the MySQL functions or with a connectivity tool like EzSQL or ADOdb-jl.