By: Horst
Date: 2003-08-12
Time: 15:26
Problems with specialchars (©)
Hi there,
I have some Problems with specialchars.
I want do something similar to:
$my_strvar = "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\n";
$my_strvar .= "<!--\n";
$my_strvar .= "document.write('string with specialchars: © or german Umlauts ü ä ö');";
$my_strvar .= "//-->\n";
$my_strvar .= "</script>\n";
$my_strvar .= "<noscript>\n";
$my_strvar .= "<p>If you enable JavaScript you ... </p>\n";
$my_strvar .= "</noscript>\n"; |
[;if [var.mycheckvar]=1;then [var.my_strvar;htmlconv=no]]
But TBS breaks the parsing after the first ; in my string (in the example is this -©-) The rest will shown as unparsed code.
Did someone know a solution?
Best regards,
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-08-12
Time: 18:30
Re: Problems with specialchars (©)
Hello Horst,
This HTML should work better:
[tbs_check;if [var.mycheckvar]=1;then [var.my_strvar;htmlconv=no];htmlconv=no]
1/ [tbs_check.something] is for conditional block. Use [tbs_check] for a conditional value.
2/ You have to propagate the 'htmlconv=no' or you'll have the conversion.
By: Horst
Date: 2003-08-13
Time: 18:17
Re: Problems with specialchars (©)
Hi Skrol29,
yes this works better, but not perfect :(
TBS ever breaks parsing at the first semicolon of the first document.write('...');
The output in parsed HTML is like:
<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">
document.write('string with specialchars: © or german Umlauts ü ä ö')
Note: the semicolon isn't visible and also the rest of $mystrvar!
Is it possible to tell TBS to handle this ; as a char what it has to type?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-08-15
Time: 13:15
Re: Problems with specialchars (©)
I'm having a look....
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-08-15
Time: 13:32
Re: Problems with specialchars (©)
Ok, I think I understand what happen.
If you use the folowing HTML it should be ok:
[tbs_check;if [var.mycheckvar]=1;then '[var.my_strvar;htmlconv=esc]';htmlconv=no]
The point is that TBS merges [var.*] tags first and merges [tbs_check] after.
In your case, when TBS merge the [check] tag, the 'then' part is not string protected, so it take the string from "<script..." and to the first semilicon. If there were a closing character "]" it also cut the string.
To protect the string, I've put it between '' and I've escaped it with 'html=esc'.
It worked for me, tel me if it's ok for you.
By: Horst
Date: 2003-08-26
Time: 16:21
Re: Problems with specialchars (©)
Hi Skrol,
thank's for your reply.
Yes, now it works very well.
Hint: One have to use doublequotes instead of singlequotes in $my_strvar!
Doesn't work:
$my_strvar .= "document.write('string with specialchars: © or german Umlauts ü ä ö');";
... |
Works =:)
$my_strvar .= "document.write(\"string with specialchars: © or german Umlauts ü ä ö\");";
... |
[tbs_check;if [var.mycheckvar]=1;then '[var.my_strvar;htmlconv=esc]';htmlconv=no]
Thank's for the help and for sharing TBS ;-)
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