1.97.12 |
2004-07-16 |
Fixed bug: MergeBlock with the keyword 'num' and
a sigle number didn't work. |
1.97.11 |
Fixed bug: parameters frienda and friendb could
cut data when used inside a block.
This could happen only for TBS fields of a block. |
Fixed bug: parameter serial could
cut main section.
Sub-sections are not concerned. But the main section could lost its
first character if there were no empty sub-section inside (the one
with "_0" suffix). Empty-sub-sections are optional. |
1.97.10 |
Fixed bug: Notice: Undefined variable: BlockName in ... on
line ...
This notice message can appears when using parameter on section.
The 'onsection' function was executed but its variable $BlocName
was always empty (rarely used). |
1.97.9 |
Fixed bug: serial sub-blocks displayed only first records
or few records.
This could happend with PostgreSQL and other database systems that
use the row number to retrieve data (such as ezSQL). |
1.97.8 |
Fixed bug: MergeBlock() with 'num' didn't
work properly.
It could return the error message Notice: Undefined
property: Step in ... on line ... |
Fixed bug: Blank result.
TBS could return an blank result when calling MergeBlock() on a block that
doesn't have any definition and with empty data. |
Fixed bug: Warning : fread(): Length parameter must be greater
than 0. in ... on line ...
This message could happen when there is an empty sub-template or an
empty cache file. |
1.97.7 |
Fixed bug: 'empty' serial-block not merged for last items |
1.97.6 |
Fixed bug: Call to a member function
on a non-object
This message could prompt when merging with a custom data function (like
for ezSQL). |
Fixed bug: merge with an PostgreSQL query. |
1.97.5 |
Fixed bug: Can't merge [xxx.yyy] because
there is no key named 'yyy'
There used to have this error message when calling MergeBlock() for a block
fields without a block definition (without parameter 'block'). In this
case, TBS is supposed to merge only the first record. Displaying an error
message was a bug. |
1.97.4 |
Fixed bug: Call to undefined function:
tbs_locatorreplace() [...] on line 1818
This error message could appear when using [tbs_check] tags without block
definition. |
1.97.2 |
Fixed bug: parameter 'if' not always working in Block Fields. |
1.97.1 |
Fixed bug: error message when merging null values under PHP < 4.1.0 |